Monday, February 13, 2012

Watch it!!!!!!

We needed to create an attention grabbing 30 sec viral video for our Video Media class this week, which was to be posted on YouTube. We then had one week to advertise and spread the link in order to get as many views as possible. It seemed an easy enough task until the lecturer responded to our question of what the video should be about, with the uninspiring word: "Anything". Where does one start on such a random task, the options spreading the entire sphere of human existence and maybe even beyond. A rut was surely to follow and I was, quite suddenly, stuck. The scope was too vast and the timeframe too small to narrow your options down and do the necessary research, so we each went out and edit the closest idiotic formation of video clips we could find together, and shamelessly posted them online. So here is my not-very-well-thought-out and not-a-lot-of-effort-put-in attempt at getting web surfing beings to watch this clip. Please spread some love and spare 45 seconds....

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