Monday, June 22, 2009

Eye see London, Eye wish Eye'll see France

After an eventful day my dad and I just wanted to do something relaxing like watch a movie... that didn't quite work out as planned though. Instead we ended up 135 m up in the air, overlooking 40 km of city. Yep, me and my dad, who just so happens to be afraid of heights, spent 30 mins in a revolving wheel overlooking London's most famous sights. The London eye. I've been on it before, but that time doesn't really count, since we spent most of the trip sleeping (long story). I thought it was awesome, and my dad agreed, though I could see that he preferred sitting on the bench in the centre of the compartment, rather than stand at the edge with me. The view from up there is spectacular, unbelievable and completely undescribable (no really, I wish I could describe it to you, but I just don't have the words). All the while I was up there I was also thinking of how great it would be to see a view similar to this one, only that viewing point is at the top of a triangular structure in Paris and not a rotating wheel. A girl can dream can't she?

1 comment:

  1. teehee, ja and some of us have actualy seen that view...muhaha!
