Monday, June 22, 2009

The Home of cricket

After the match we had a quick lunch/dinner with Schalk (my dad's friend) and his mates on a boat. We ended being pretty late and had to run to get to the hotel in time. We took a quick shower, got dressed in flash and then scurried over the street to Lord's, The Home of Cricket. We attended the ICC's cocktail party and met so many people from so many countries, with so many accents I almost got whiplash! My dad's cousin, Marais, who's an international umpire, was there and the two of us spent the evening making fun of all the countries that we weren't even sure was being enough to fit a cricket field in. Like St. Helena and Cyprus. I met some really nice people from Chile and Ireland and had an intense debate with the guy from Ruanda about women's cricket. I was actually quite surprised at myself. I hadn't noticed that I'd been listening to my dad all these years, untill I was face to face with some of the biggest names in cricket, and i was up to speed with what they were saying and could wip out plenty of facts about Namibian cricket and keep our country's name proud. The Long Room, which is the most important historic site for cricket was absolutely beautiful. It was, a the name implies, a long room with high ceilings looking out onto Lord's cricket grounds. Take 3 steps out the victorian style doors and you were literally on the outfield. The paintings on the walls of the Long Room dated back to 1744. I was scared to breathe in there! But as it turns out, all those very important looking people are soem of the coolest most down to earth people I've met. Except maybe for the Brits...they're a bunch of snobs. Big surprise there!

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