Monday, June 22, 2009

"Sorry Love"

After meeting all the lovely gents in the hotel, Dad and I set off into the city. We hopped on a bus and then the tube (I love saying that!). We then got off around Piccadilly Circus and tried to do some shopping. Though we didn't actually buy anything. It's not that I didn't want to, believe me! It was just so bloody expensive. I felt guilty for even looking at stuff. Horror struck then, when we walked into a clothing store. I almost started to cry! The store was Mango and it was like it was designed for me! I would have worn any single outfit in that store every day for the rest of my life! It's nearly impossible to find clothes that style in SA not even to mention Nam. Oh well.... We then walked around for a while and came across something I have been waiting for, for 2 years! A Starbucks!!!! I immediately went up to the counter and order my usual Grande Caramel Macchiato. It was like riding a bike! Then my dad goes and orders a Hot Chocolate... Who orders a hot chocolate at Starbucks? It's STARBUCKS!!!!
After my little reunion with a long lost friend we hoppedon the tube again and met up with some friends at the coolest Ausie bar I've ever been in. Well, technically it was the first Ausie bar I've ever been in, but that was just for dramatic effect.... It's called "Walkabout" (Like in the movie!haha) and it was acked to the brim with both Brits and South Africans. All of them ready to watch the Boks and the Lions. Kind of ironic isn't it? Watching the Springboks play the British Lions in an Australian bar.... Like I said on my Facebook status, I learned a few important things about pubs in England.... 1. It's packed with Brits 2. They are really drunk 3. They are really loud when they're drunk 4. You cannot understand a word these loud, drunk Brits say 5. They keep saying "Sorry Love" everytime they bump into you (which I love!hehe) 6. It's the best place to watch the Boks smash the Lions!

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